Sunday, May 15, 2005

ever so quietly

who is this that stares me down?
what is your name?
your eyes are welcoming me,
your stance is pushing me away.
do not move.
do not cry out for help, he says.
is there harm here?
will this be my end?
nourishing my wounds, i step outside myself.
taking away the cloths from my eyes,
i can see clearly now.
move quietly, you will wake him.
walking on glass, you scream in pain.
he awakes and runs towards you.
unable to move, you close your eyes.
only to wake up from a dream.
yet he is still running at you.
pulling out his hair.
yelling nonsense about the past.
walk quietly, i told you.
you didn't listen.
you didn't listen.


Blogger Lorne said...

I like your poetry style. It's like old beatnick, only pleasanter and with a sense of completeness. That's by two bits.

(from Dez's friend)

17/5/05 15:40  
Blogger Crysta! said...

thanks. poetry is good times.

19/5/05 13:19  

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