Friday, April 01, 2005

What is this?

What is this feeling inside?
It makes my stomach churn and my insides so uncomfortable.
So many times it has plagued my body and so many times it has overtaken my soul.
Making legs weak and the body unwanting to move.
What will hold you in place?
Who will keep your head below the looming clouds above?
Time seems so short as you wonder and wander through the aimless skies.
Through the caverns and gloomy forests of uncertainty.
Look through these glasses.
The ones with rose-colored lenses.
They will blind you to reality, showing you something that the world desires.
A perfect couple. A time that will hold all your heart together.
What has sin gone and done though?
Ruining and depreciating the value of your soul.
Of the gift that God has bestowed upon you.
Go now! Fight and keep it safe!
Hold it fast and empty yourself of it's fiendish trickery!
Do not allow it to take hold and blind you!
Remember that God has made you and gives you each breath.
Keep Him on your mind, let Him help you fight.
Give Him all that you have! He loves you.
Let Him be your first love, your only love.
Do not let it be tarnished.
This perfect gift of love.
Remember, Love, remember.


Blogger Matt McKechnie said...

hey cool blog. i hooked you from sunny d dalton's blog. link thru to mine if ya want.

1/4/05 20:45  

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