Saturday, March 19, 2005

Feb. 22 Part 1

The sun rises on the dawn of a new day, and I smile.
The rain falls lightly upon my lips and the taste leaves something desired.
Only the world could end at a moment like this.
The bliss and wonderment of this blessed moment.
An instance of tranquility.
A turn of a dime.
The thickness of a string.
Time moves quickly and so must I.
The night awaits, the day is gone.
I must whisper "I love You" into the warm night air.
Before clouds fade.
Before the fog lifts,
And the shadows clear about the water's edge.
Speak to me, my Love.
Tranquility calls and silence creeps alone out from the corners of the earth.
A whisper is heard among the reeds.
"Love me." It says, each syllable tells part of the tale of a love gone by
and a flame stiffled out.
Each word, a small glimpse in to past days and abundant streams of life.
"Give to me another day" - eternity cries out,
"Give to me another moment."
Always reaching, always calling.
Yet it is never enough.
Eternity is the definition of greed, though.
Never enough.
Never satisfied, always hungry for more.
Always yearning for affection.
Breathe my friend. The night is over.
You have received your wish.
You have one more day.
But, what will you do with it?


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