Tuesday, April 12, 2005

a little girl

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.
"Love me," she says, "please."
A small glance at her feet and away the tears fly,
for he has rejected her.
He has refused to show his love for her.

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.
"Protect me," she says, "please."
A wince meets her face for
he has beaten her and swept her aside.

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.
"Accept me," she says, "please."
Doubt and fear crowd her mind
for he has told her she was nothing.
He told her to leave.
He couldn't bear to look at her.

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.

"Forgive me," she says, "please."
A heavy weight is on her soul
for he has refused his pardon.
He doesn't want to let go.

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.

"Listen to me," she says, "please."
Silence fills the room as she steps away
for he has turned his back on her.
He can only hear himself.

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.

"I love you," she says, "it's true."
Sadness and rejection fills her eyes,
for he has decided she is a liar.
"You don't know what love is."

A little girl looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.

"I forgive you,"she says.
Hope is in her heart,
for he doesn't understand.
He thought his words would lead her away.

"I'll always love you," she says.
Love is in her soul,
and he is left in wonderment,
"I never would have forgiven someone,
if they had said what I said to you," he says.

A woman looks up.
Up into the eyes of her father.

"Let me go." She says, "It's time."
"I can't." He says, "You're still my little girl."


Blogger Crysta! said...

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27/4/05 15:23  

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