Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Artist

The artist, like a picture, can mean a thousand things.
The artist can mean a million things.
Watch the hand as it grips the brush.
Each stroke made with care, or madness.
Thoughts whirling around.
Plans for the piece that now just looks like lines.
Plans that will turn it into art, into beauty.
The artist will probably end up hating it.
They usually do.
The public will applaud.
The room he is working in is filled with imaginary people,
who criticize the work just started.
Four walls close in and the dream is over.
Again the work is started.
Another in pastel.
Yet another in acrylic.
Another in colored pencil.
The supplies never end.
For an artist, the world is thier canvas.
The people, emotions, experiences, and feelings
are their tools with which they work.
What will tomorrow bring?
What new inspiration?
What reality will next fill the spaces on their canvas?
What emotion will be portrayed?
What feeling will be expressed?


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