Life is all about changes and moving on.
When does the wheel stop turning and the light start to fade?
Bring me today, when there is no tomorrow.
Show me new life when the well is dry
And the time is now.
Now? Don't you realize?
This is it. It is now.
It's time to say goodbye and wave that hand fast.
Bring a boat to ride and a train to catch.
Things seem to move so slowly as feet can only move so quick.
Is there nothing I can do to run away from you?
Will you always plague my soul?
This love you have captured and stolen away,
is it real?
Is this world real, is it the kind that stays around?
Does it stick out a finger and poke fun?
Or does it hold out a hand to help?
Sky that is painted in blues and reds and purples,
does it hold the answer?
Does it carry the key?
Will holding on make me free? Or to let go, is that true freedom?
Let us find out as your fingers slip from mine.
I will turn my head away.
I will walk the other way.
Your voice is unrecognizable and your face is it's equal.
I will never understand you.
I will never forget you.
I will always love you.
But I have let go.
Goodbye, my friend. The time is come and I am free.