Thursday, March 31, 2005


Life is all about changes and moving on.
When does the wheel stop turning and the light start to fade?
Bring me today, when there is no tomorrow.
Show me new life when the well is dry
And the time is now.
Now? Don't you realize?
This is it. It is now.
It's time to say goodbye and wave that hand fast.
Bring a boat to ride and a train to catch.
Things seem to move so slowly as feet can only move so quick.
Is there nothing I can do to run away from you?
Will you always plague my soul?
This love you have captured and stolen away,
is it real?
Is this world real, is it the kind that stays around?
Does it stick out a finger and poke fun?
Or does it hold out a hand to help?
Sky that is painted in blues and reds and purples,
does it hold the answer?
Does it carry the key?
Will holding on make me free? Or to let go, is that true freedom?
Let us find out as your fingers slip from mine.
I will turn my head away.
I will walk the other way.
Your voice is unrecognizable and your face is it's equal.
I will never understand you.
I will never forget you.
I will always love you.
But I have let go.
Goodbye, my friend. The time is come and I am free.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Deep breath. Than jump.

Time is standing still and I am at a loss.
No more worries and no more kind faces.
This cloud will pass us over. The rain will not come.
Lie to me once more, on the drift of a snowy breeze.
Lie to me once more, as my words fly by on wings of indifference.
Think about me as you take your next step.
Can I be your inspiration?
Can I tell you what is on my mind?
Tell me that I can and brutal honesty will slip through these pursed lips.
Take heed, my friend. It's time to go.
The clock is running out.
The spoon ran away and the wall has sunk into the ground.
The earth shakes and moves as one who is lost.
Are you lost? Are you sure of the steps you are taking?
Move me. Move me with words.
Call me. Call me with your time.
Stand before me, go your own way.
I will pray for you, just as I will miss you.
But hence, this time has come and I must say goodbye.
That's it. It is over and the wind has calmed.
The seas have stopped their rising.
I will wave no more, to ships that have disappeared into the distance.
Boldness has overcome me and I forget you.
I will say goodbye, one last time.
Than I will forget you, because God has asked me to.
Come friend, it's time to go.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Feb. 22 Part 4

Call to me, and I will answer you.
Hear the cry of My heart and the light will be restored.
As darkness pierces light, so the darkness will be destroyed.
The sun will rise again.
Night will be lifted.

Feb. 22 Part 3

call to me, and I will guide you
reach for me, and I will hold you
touch me, and I will embrace you
love me, and you will be loved
let your gaze fall upon my shoulders
your yolk is to be mine
fill your soul with chests of gold
your stores with the water of life
i will fill you
i will love you
be mine for always
let me love you
let me hold you
trust me
this is my dying wish
believe me, i will never hurt you
cling to me, i will heal your pain
long for me, and patience wil see you through
speak to me, and silence will be understood
i am yours, and you are mine
this is the way it was meant to be

Feb. 22 Part 2

Moaning, crying out from the dark, she calls.
Betrayel is on her lips.
Lies are in her heart.
Movement emanates from the stillness of her limbs.
Sorrow is seen from her eyes.
"Who will love me?" asks her hands.
Sound cannot be heard.
Words cannot be spoken.
Light cannot be seen.
"Who will love me?" She calls out from silent lips.
A heart breaks.
A glass falls and shatters.
The world has ended.
The veil of darkness falls.
The edge of the world is near.
She sails off into the horizon.
A universe before her, black as night.
The question still dancing on the surface of her gaze, "who will love me?"

Feb. 22 Part 1

The sun rises on the dawn of a new day, and I smile.
The rain falls lightly upon my lips and the taste leaves something desired.
Only the world could end at a moment like this.
The bliss and wonderment of this blessed moment.
An instance of tranquility.
A turn of a dime.
The thickness of a string.
Time moves quickly and so must I.
The night awaits, the day is gone.
I must whisper "I love You" into the warm night air.
Before clouds fade.
Before the fog lifts,
And the shadows clear about the water's edge.
Speak to me, my Love.
Tranquility calls and silence creeps alone out from the corners of the earth.
A whisper is heard among the reeds.
"Love me." It says, each syllable tells part of the tale of a love gone by
and a flame stiffled out.
Each word, a small glimpse in to past days and abundant streams of life.
"Give to me another day" - eternity cries out,
"Give to me another moment."
Always reaching, always calling.
Yet it is never enough.
Eternity is the definition of greed, though.
Never enough.
Never satisfied, always hungry for more.
Always yearning for affection.
Breathe my friend. The night is over.
You have received your wish.
You have one more day.
But, what will you do with it?