i stare into your eyes
Broken and unmoving
you lie awake, struggling
with the workings of your soul
run with me!
lie on the sand of time
hold my hand and love me
love me because i can't
undying, never ceasing
is your love
your aire is tremendous
and i am overwhelmed
i sit in a corner, knees to my chest
breathing ever so lightly
scared to move
waiting for a reply to my plea
workings of an imperfect person
trying, trying to be perfect
it's not succeeding
dying inside, unless able to let go
closing out, unless willing to give up
chains of reality holding dreams to the floor
the soul inside ready to soar and fly
knowing that peace only comes from above
knowing that life is ending and death awaits
physical, emotional, mental, spiritual
all combined in one,
one beautiful woman
God calls her "Mine."
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