Friday, February 10, 2006

And so she waits...

The silence hung around her like a thick, wet drape
heavy and burdening
alone, yet alive, she softly whispers to her Soulmate
Hello's and I love you's are heard by only those who can hear her soul
For it cries out in joy and in pain
For it is deep within and protected yet vulnerable
Caution speaks out for mercy and young eyes are blazing
Awake and aware, sitting, yet growing
Staring into the deep grey of "if's" and "but's" and excuses
Confusion tries to sneak up and chain those who fall into the pit
Calmly she keeps her focus
Gazing ever so lightly and lovely are her eyes
Keeping her hand in the one of her Love
Keeping her smiles only for Him
Knowing that the time will come
The time will come


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