Thursday, April 06, 2006

my life is an open wound
waiting for infection
the sore inside my soul is festering
and there is no way to heal it
Hear me when I call
I need a voice to speak with
I am deaf and blind

Waiting in the darkness
I open my mouth, but no sound escapes
even the tears that fall are dry
slowly crawling along the ground
there is no one to guide me
no one to lend a hand
I am alone
The rain falls softly, than harsh
in torrents and walls
causing the sore to expand and eat away the flesh
take it away, Lord
the pain is more than I can bear
take the flesh away
can I be new?
can I be fresh and alive?
i want Your plans.
i want Your will
confusion envelopes and feelings overwhelm
i can't see the ground or the sky or my life
blurring together like a painting with water thrown over it
like a dog kicked away from civilization
like a orphan abandoned, is my heart
hurting and throbbing and awake
words don't help
only Your arms will heal me
take me away, Lord.
take me away and love me
i need You.


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