Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Don't give up

sometimes the moon will shatter
and sometimes the earth will break
but forever I will be with you, My son
forever will you be in My grace.

the lion will roar and the lamb,
will be slaughtered.
the blood of My Son was shed.
the light o'er head and the sounds from above,
grievously gave all away.

don't despair Beloved.
don't give up.
the time has not come for you.
I'm not finished, the mission is incomplete
and My guiding Hand is over You.

don't despair, Beloved.
don't give up.
I'm with you, leading you.
look at Me, here I am.
no matter what you're going through,
I am bigger than it.
For I AM.

don't despair, Beloved.
don't give up.
hold My Hand, close your eyes,
and jump.


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