Tuesday, May 16, 2006

a girl and her mother

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"See me," she says, "here I am."
But her mother says, " all I see is pain."

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"Teach me," she requests, "Will you to guide me?"
But her mother says, "I can't. I don't know how."

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"Spend time with me," she cries out, "I need you."
But her mother says, "I don't have time for you."

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"Show me how to grow," she says, "Mama?"
But her mother says, "This isn't what I want anymore."

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"Stay!" She cries out, "I'm left alone. Stay!"
But her mother says, "I'm leaving. I deserve more."

a little girl looks up,
up into the eyes of her mother.
"Don't you love me anymore?" She cried.
But her mother looked distantly off, "I didn't want you."

A little girl grows up.
She's had it hard and stands tall.
Full of pride that covers hurt.
She cries out to God.

"I don't know what to do!"
Her eyes well up with tears,
she kneels and bows before her Lover.
He hugs her and embraces her, "I love you."

"You don't have to be alone anymore," He says.
His eyes mirror her pain as she continues to cry.
Knowing that her pain is no match for His,
for she knows the cause of His pain.

Life returns and the clouds are parted.
She is alive.
She is alone with her Lover.
Quietly she speaks with Him, in whispers of grace.

She is a woman of God and knows her worth.
She is still full of the pain, but her wounds are healing.
Traces of scars are disappearing,
but the marks will always be present.

A woman looks into the eyes of her mother.
"I forgive you for leaving me," she says.
Her mother doesn't understand.
She is herself a little girl, no older than her youngest.

Comparisons, jealously, and confusion have been her life.
Life is different now.
She moves on, realizing that her mother will never be.
Knowing that her mother never lived until now.

Grown-up and loving Jesus.
Knowing Him and realizing that blessings come even through pain.
Knowing that Christ is her all, her parent's will never be, she smiles.
Life can be different for her. It will be different. It is different.

A woman looks up, up into the eyes of her father.
"I am grown and out," she says.
"You are on your own," he agrees.

A woman looks up, up into the eyes of her father.
"I love you, dad," she says.
"I love you, too," he answers back.

A woman looks up, up into the eyes of her father.
"I'm on my own, dad," she says.
"I'm proud of you," he replies.

A woman looks up, up into the eyes of her father.
"I miss you, daddy," she says.
"It's okay. I'll see you again. Stay strong, you'll always be my little girl," he encourages her.

Life was not always happy or easy.
There are scars that can't be seen or erased.
But life can improve.

Life was not a cake-walk.
Life had it's struggles.
But you were strong and survived.

Now it's time to thrive.
Time to grow.
Time to let go, the past is not yours to keep.

Let go, My girl.
Let it be, My daughter.
Let Me consume you instead.

I love you.

Don't give up

sometimes the moon will shatter
and sometimes the earth will break
but forever I will be with you, My son
forever will you be in My grace.

the lion will roar and the lamb,
will be slaughtered.
the blood of My Son was shed.
the light o'er head and the sounds from above,
grievously gave all away.

don't despair Beloved.
don't give up.
the time has not come for you.
I'm not finished, the mission is incomplete
and My guiding Hand is over You.

don't despair, Beloved.
don't give up.
I'm with you, leading you.
look at Me, here I am.
no matter what you're going through,
I am bigger than it.
For I AM.

don't despair, Beloved.
don't give up.
hold My Hand, close your eyes,
and jump.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Thinking thoughts of grace...

I've been thinking about the way that I love You.
I've been thinking about Your Name.
Your worthy and gracious behavior.
My failings and dealings with life.
I'm but a sheep and You are my Shephard.
I am the clay and You are the potter.
Molding and shaping and breaking me down.
Saving and feeding and leading me now.
Over and over You deal just the same.
The kindness comes over and I do just melt.
I can see the love in Your face.
I can feel the love in Your touch.
I know the love of Your voice.
Words of affirmation and Truth You do speak.
Visions of wonderful things up ahead.
Plans and actions take dreams to flight.
I love You, dear Savior, I do.
You've been my All.
You've been my Mother, Father, Brother, Sister.
Protector, Mediator, Mentor, and Crutch.
You've crossed the river of pain and healed it deep down within.
You've mended wounds and dried tears to form smiles galor.
My face never stop the shining of You.
The reflection of You never cease.
As my prayer continues forth and my breath stands still.
Lord, I'm here and I'm ready.
I'm waiting and I'm moving.
I'm planning and I'm asking.
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it.
Seal it for thy courts above.
I'm Yours.