Sunday, July 03, 2005

all for You

You are my love, Oh Lord.
My One and only.
You are my love, Oh Lord.
For You I will do anything.
For You I will go anywhere.
Keep me in Your hindsight.
I need Your guiding Hand.
Oh Lord, how I need You!
Keep me forever in Your arms.
Keep me forever in Your ways.
For I long only to serve You.
To love You and deserve You.
I live only for You, oh my Beloved.
Your ways shall be my ways.
Your words shall be my words.
Your arms shall wrap around me.
Comfort will be mine.
For I am forever needing, what You have to give me.
Take all that I am, Lord.
I surrender to Your perfect Will.

Friday, July 01, 2005

for such a time as this

This is the time to hold the flag high.
I will not die.
I will not go down easily.
You will have to fight me with all of your might,
for I have a Protector Who is full of the right.
This is not for me.
This is for You.
How far will I go,
How far will I fly,
to follow You?
To give You all that I am?

I am not my own.
I will love You forever.
I will give You all that I am.
You are the only One.
You are the only Way.
Give me time to learn Your ways.
Give me a place to rest.
Give me Your heart and Your plan for my life,
all in Your good and perfect timing.

Good passages to read: Ephesians 4-6