Friday, November 25, 2005

song #3

different concept, same idea...hmmm...does that even work?

when i should be sleepin'
yeah i'm dreamin' on you
when I should be sleepin'
i'm dreamin' of you
when i should be sleepin'
yeah i'm dreamin' on you
would you wrap arms around me and hold me tight?
cause when i should be sleepin'
i'm dreamin' of you
dreamin' of you

when I should be sleepin'
oh, i'm dreamin' of you
would you say "i love you", whisper it in my ear
say the words i want to hear

cause when i should be sleepin'
i'm dreamin' of you
dreamin' of you
when i should be sleepin'
i'm dreamin' of you


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