Monday, November 07, 2005


Staring slowly upwards, she darted downside.
To the bottom she plunged.
Carrying sideways her burdens and scars.
Remembering the words he once said to her.
Shedding a tear and holding out.
She waited for something better.
Refusing to let go of the hope inside of her.

Staring up at the sky, she screamed aloud.
To anyone who would listen.
Carrying the clouds in her heart, hoping to diminish.
Remembering the smile on his face.
Shedding her coat and throwing it on the ground.
She danced and sang and cried and screamed.
Refusing to show what she really wanted.

Staring down at her feet, she gave in.
To drive away the fear of it all.
Carrying her arms so tightly beside her.
Remembering the words he whispered in her ear.
Shedding the old life that was holding her back.
She laughed and threw it all away.
Refusing to let it consume her.

Staring into his eyes, she fell in love all over again.
To give him her all was the key.
Carrying his load and giving him her own.
Remembering that it wasn't all about her.
Shedding the last tear and giving up.
She felt nothing and everything.
Refusing to ever let him go.


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